Abraham Lincoln

Posts Tagged ‘Crime Blotter’

Episode 76: Hunker in the Bunker

February 14th, 2014 | Robin

We start this episode in the Gaming Hut, where we bat around ways to activate your player character’s character hook.

In our new segment, Crime Blotter, we examine the four categories of hit man, as proposed by a recent Birmingham City University study of British hired killers.

Tropes face off against cliches as we once again tell you How to Write Good.

Then Ken dons his Consulting Occultist regalia to tear the lid off the djinn menace.

Once again Fenix Magazine occupies the coveted anchor sponsor slot. After ten years delighting the Swedish gaming scene, they’re now bringing the Best of Fenix to English-language GMs and players with their now-active Indiegogo campaign.


Clank about in chivalric armor in fealty to Atlas Games, now unveiling Enchanting Tales, the exciting new expansion for their classic Once Upon a Time card game.


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